
Samuel L. Jackson is one of the highest-grossing movie stars of all time, appearing in Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and The Avengers. Jackson is considered one of the most honest and exceptionally authentic actors in Hollywood. He is one of those celebrities that people love to see both on and off-screen. Movie legend Samuel L. Jackson has been married to actress and producer LaTanya Richardson for nearly 40 years.
Next time a heads-up would be good! No one was more surprised by Jada Pinkett Smith’s call to boycott the 2016 Oscars than her husband, Will Smith. “I was out of the country at the time, and I came home [and said], ‘What happened?’” the Concussion star, 47, revealed on Good Morning America Thursday, January 21. “She’s deeply passionate, and when she’s moved, she has to go. I heard her words, and I was knocked over.
Here comes the winner! Beyoncé wore a wedding dress — her third look of the night — to accept a Moonman for Video of the Year at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, August 28. The Lemonade singer, 34, stunned in a Yolan Cris Couture Calamo wedding dress from the Spanish designer’s latest bridal collection. The floor-skimming number was made of floral lace and featured a low neckline and diaphanous puff sleeves.
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The sparkling white teeth of Freddie Freeman have caught the eyes of many, and his fans wonder whether the athlete decided to put on fake teeth or it is just Veneers. Learn in detail about his teeth in the article below. Freddie Freeman is a Canadian-American major league baseball player who currently plays first base for the Atlanta Braves. Freddie was born in the California town of Fountain Valley. However, his parents are originally from Ontario, Canada but currently reside in the USA.
First thing's first, she's the realest. Iggy Azalea took to Twitter in the early hours of Friday morning, Dec. 12, to spread some truth about the latest rumor surrounding her.  "Wait, so I'm just now reading that I was born a man and my name is Cody?" the "Beg For It" rapper wrote. "*Cackling* why Cody tho? Lol." There was talk last month that Azalea, 24, was welcomed into the world in her native Australia as a little boy named Cody.
Al Michaels is possibly leaving NBC. He had announced that Sunday could be his last NFL broadcast ahead of Super Bowl. Al Michaels, full named Alan Richard Michaels is an American television sportscaster who had worked for NBC Sports since 2006. He has announced his leave from the station ahead of Superbowl as his contract is set to expire. Netizens said that they would miss him, and the possibility of him being on Amazon shows how good he is as a commentator.
Throughout human history, there have been loads of people who’ve become obsessed with the idea of coming into a lot of money all at once. Of course, that makes a lot of sense since some people have managed to turn their lives around by winning the lottery. On top of that, there is something undeniably attractive about pulling off the kind of robbery that can be seen in the best heist movies assuming that violence isn’t involved.
Quick Links10. Running Backs: $1,550,624 9. Kickers/Punters: $1,662,786 8. Cornerbacks: $1,690,105 7.  Safeties: $1,752,582 6. Offensive Linemen: $1,760,164 5. Linebackers: $1,803,388 4. Wide Receivers: $1,806,999 3. Defensive Tackles: $1,807,581 2. Defensive Ends: $2,599,874 1. Quarterbacks: $3,840,017 In the mega billion-dollar machine that is today’s NFL, there is certainly enough cheddar to go around. However, some players are getting a much bigger bite of the cheese, while others are left with mere crumbs.