
How to pronounce wyoming

Do you pronounce the g in Wyoming?

We might say Wyo or Wyomin’ from time to time but it is usually just Wyoming. Imagining some macho cowboy or roughneck saying Wyomey just yeah, it wouldn’t happen. Ohhhh, she’s referring to us tending to drop the “g” in the “ing” on the ends of words.

How do you pronounce the state of Wyoming?

Is Wyoming a proper noun?

Proper noun

A state of the United States. A suburb of the Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia. A former village in Lambton County, Ontario, Canada, now part of the town of Plympton-Wyoming.

Do you spell Wyoming?

How Do You Spell WYOMING? Correct spelling for the English word “wyoming” is [wa͡ɪˈə͡ʊmɪŋ], [wa‍ɪˈə‍ʊmɪŋ], [w_aɪ_ˈəʊ_m_ɪ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-08-26