
10 of the Most Bizarre Twitter Accounts

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One cannot deny the explosion and overwhelming impact of social media on our everyday existence. Not only does this include Facebook, but Twitter is currently one of the most popular ways to engage and interact globally. With more than 600 million users around the world it has the ability to generate more than 350 million tweets on a daily basis. Then there is of course the retweets not to mention favourites which everybody gets involved in.

On the other hand, followers are also important in order to gain cult status online. For example, some of our most famous celebrities have endless amounts of loyal followers. In this way you can have the chance to keep up to date with the latest goings on from your favourite celeb, reality star and more. Katy Perry has nearly 53.5 million followers, while President Barack Obama lags behind by ten million with a mere 43 million followers. Some of the other biggest twitter counters feature of course Lady Gaga who tips the scale with more than 40 million followers and Justin Timberlake with approximately 32.5 million.

Yet, there are those Twitter accounts that defy all logic and border on the downright bizarre. From Tard the Grumpy Cat to different types of superheroes, real people are actually responsible for these odd social media handles. You can even observe the everyday activities of fictional characters and famous buildings if that’s your thing.

Twitter accounts such as these are continually gathering followers due to their comic messages and interesting statements that are summed up in 140 characters. It is without question a daunting task in order to identify the right account you want to follow. Fortunately, we have managed to compile a list of the 10 oddest accounts to follow that will have you reaching for the hashtag in no time.

10. The Dark Lord, @Lord_Voldermort7

With more than 2.3 million followers, The Dark Lord is out to bring a bit of light humour into the world. Believe it or not, Harry Potter’s most feared enemy is now using his spare time to bring his comedy japers to the Twitter airwaves. Lord Voldemort uses the darkest comedy arts in order to tweet jokes and comments to an increasing online fan club.

9. Elizabeth Windsor, @Queen_UK

If you want to indulge in a little Cool Britannia, then why not check out the unofficial Elizabeth Windsor channel. It is definitely Her Majesty, but not as we know it. This unusual account recounts the tales of the Queen herself and has a cool 1 million plus followers to date. This dancing Queen is making all the right moves with her tales of unofficial affairs and what not.

8. Big Ben Clock, @big_ben_clock

You may think what all the noise is about. In case you are wondering, well it’s quite simple really. If you are not based in London and want to know the precise time, then fear not as Big Ben Clock comes to the rescue. @big_ben_clock ensures you can keep up to speed on the hour thanks to its bong system which is repeated according to the actual time. Who would have thought tweeting clock chimes would accumulate more than 400,000 followers.

7. Chuck Norris Facts, @chuck_facts

The legend that is Chuck Norris has now landed on our social media pages. Born in March 1940, this all American actor is renowned for his martial arts. Norris has served time not in prison, but in the US Air Force and has starred in a number of different action movies including Way of The Dragon. He is most famous for playing the role of Walker, Texas Ranger for the best part of nine years between 1993 and 2001. This satirical account offers a wide variety of funny tweets or chuck facts which to date has amassed an impressive 220,000 followers.

6. Drunk Hulk, @DRUNKHULK

A take on one of the most iconic movie characters of all time, the Drunk Hulk feed has more than 180,000 followers under its social media belt. This ranting and slightly morbid character does tend to ramble on across a wealth of subjects such as alcohol and social behaviour. This super, all green, character is loveable and is brought to the fore via Twitter through his slightly virtual inebriated tone. Some of the main highlights you should expect to see on your feed include pop culture, news criticism, and literary musings.

5. KimKierkergaardashian, @KimKierkegaard

What do you get if you cross the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with the crass statements of Kim Kardashian? You should expect to see the one and only KimKierkergaardashian which should keep you tickled pink throughout the whole day. As confusing as it seems, it has pulled in the followers.

4. Bored Ghost, @Bored_Ghost

One of the most bizarre accounts surely goes to the very spooky Bored Ghost. There is no Bill Murray in sight on this feed which goes into detail about the activities of a middle class poltergeist. If it does seem too good to be true, then head to @Bored_Ghost for more goings on.

3. Friends Season 11, @FriendsSeason11

We have all been feeling a bit glum and down in the dumps after the denouement of Friends. However, a decade since it disappeared from our screens and talks of a rumoured reunion, Friends Season 11 comes to the Twitterati elite. In spite of the fact that no one seems to know any plot lines, this does not stop them from creating some rather funny suggestions.

2. Jesus Christ, @Jesus_M_Christ

It turns out that even the good lord himself has an account which is dedicated to religious tomfoolery. From the controversy surrounding the controversial relationship with Mary to his views on Christians, this account has more than 450,000 follower. As a taster, one of his recent comments reads; "bootylicious...and on the 69th Day Thy Lawd Created Hot Chicks in Volleyball Shorts.”

1. Justin Buber, @Justin_Buber

The baby face of Pop himself, @Justin_Buber is a melange of the existential insight of highly regarded philosopher Martin Buber and Justin Bieber. He can boast five figures when it comes to followers and provides a series of random reflections to boot. This will see you reaching for that favourite button as fast as Bieber’s driving.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-09-09